Friday, June 13, 2008

Shark Cove

Hello from Hawaii! Yesterday we went to Shark Cove to go snorkeling. It was SO fun! The water was so clear and all the fish had amazing colors. We saw the Humuhumunukunukuapuapaa (state fish) and he looked really cool. He had lots of neon yellows and oranges. We also saw our first sea turtle on out first snorkeling adventure! All of the fish were just amazing. My favorite was a hot pink medium sized fish with bright green and yellow stripes all over it. Another favorite of mine and Brian's was a sea snake. He was white and brown striped and about 1 and a half feet long. The whole experience was wonderful and WAY fun and I can't wait to do it again!

Brian and I after we got out the first time. Just showing how clear the water is!


Suzy said...

Maddie, I'm glad you're having so much fun and actually blogging about it! You guys are so cute. Everything looks so beautiful. You'll remember this trip forever, so make every moment count... even if it's just a nap ;).
I miss you.
xoxo - Suzy

Carrie said...

I can't believe you got to see the Humuhumunukunukuapuapaa. That is really neat, especially after we sang and danced to said song at Girls Camp! :) This trip will be wonderful and I know you and Brian and dad will have a wonderful time! Love you! Mom

Carrie said...
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